Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 13:31-35.
  • How are the two parables in this section different and alike?
  • How would these parables be similar to the parable of the weeds just before (13:24-30)?
  • What is the comparison being made between the mustard seed and the kingdom of heaven? How would this be helpful and instructive to the crowds and the disciples in light of the opposition that Jesus has been experiencing (Matthew 11-12)?
  • What is the comparison being made between the yeast and the kingdom of heaven? How would this relate to the opposition Jesus had been recently experiencing? How does this emphasis in the parable of the yeast differ from the emphasis in the parable of the mustard seed?
  • Psalm 78 is where Matthew quotes in 13:34-35. Read Psalm 78. What is it about? What do you learn about Israel? What do you learn about God? How is Israel of Psalm 78 similar to the Israelites Jesus is dealing with in his day? Why would Matthew indicate that Jesus' ministry is in fulfillment of what the Psalmist talked about in Psalm 78?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • When do you grow most frustrated about the progress or lack of progress you often see the gospel making in our society? How would these parables help? How are they intended to help us?
  • How could these parables inspire a greater confidence in you to live openly and clearly for the sake of the gospel in the face of increasing marginalization from our culture?
  • At what point do you believe we will or should expect to see the kind of full-fledged growth (like the mustard seed) or pervasiveness (like the yeast) of the gospel in our world? 

Intentionally Act

  • What sin do you see in your own heart from what you are exposed to in this passage? What here should encourage you? How could this passage equip you to engage your world this week In what ways? Spend time responding to God in prayer about these matters.
  • How could these parables help you pray for specific people in your life who are non-Christians? How patient are you being? Are you trusting the gospel to influence others? How do you see that trust manifest at work, in your neighborhood, with family, and with friends?
  • Spend time praying for non-Christians who will attend our gathering this Sunday. Pray they will be convicted of their need for Christ, turn from their sin and become disciples of Jesus.
  • Pray for the Church as we gather this Sunday. Pray we will be edified, equipped, and ready to engage our world as a result of our time spent together.
  • Pray for those who will lead our gathering, that they wills serve the body in the most helpful way: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' Prayer and Scripture Reading; Bret Capranicam teaching.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - March 2, 2014