Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 24:36–25:30
  • Think back on Pastor Bret’s sermon from last week focusing on Matthew 24:36–51. Find the two descriptions Jesus gave about how we are to live in light of his return: we are to live expectantly (36–44), and we are to live faithfully (45–50).
  • The two parables in our passage this week (25:1–30) are examples that illustrate those two points.  That being said, how does “The Parable of the Ten Virgins” illustrate for us what it looks like to live expectantly?
  • How should the final outcome for the “foolish” virgins (11–13) warn us, and motivate us to wait with fervent expectation for the coming of our Lord?
  • How does “The Parable of the Talents” illustrate for us what it looks like to live faithfully while we wait for Christ’s return?
  • How should this parable motivate us to good works, evangelism, and to persevere in the faith?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Has last week’s sermon had any impact upon the way you have lived this week? Have you lived more aware, more expectantly; awaiting Christ’s return?
  • We should confess and repent of our lack of expectancy, and we should rejoice if there is a desire or a sense of expectancy in us.
  • Have you been living like the faithful servant, increasing what was entrusted to you for the Master? Or have you been more like the slothful servant?
  • When we look at our lives, do we see an eager expectation for our Savior to return? Are we living faithfully as we wait, though he delay?

Intentionally Act

  • Pray that the Lord would help both you personally and the church collectively to live eagerly anticipating the Lord’s return.
  • Think about specific ways that you could cultivate expectancy in your life, and the lives of those around you.
  • Pray that the Lord would show us the complacency in our hearts, and that he would give us the grace to change.
  • Seek the grace of the Lord to turn from living in complacency to living eagerly and faithfully until His return.
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Adam Naler, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Spend some time preparing for worship in the music below, but more importantly the lyrics. In the song's for this season we are reminded of the first coming of our Lord and through the sermon we are longlingly looking to the second coming, Praise the Lord!

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - December 20, 2015 by Summit Woods Baptist Church