Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 18:18-22.
  • What kind of connections can you see between what takes place with the fig tree and what just happened in the temple (18:12-17)?
  • What astonishes the disciples?
  • Why would Jesus do this to a tree that did not produce fruit?
  • What is Jesus indicating about the kind of authority he exercised over the tree and the kind of authority the disciples would be able to exercise over a mountain?
  • What must be true about the prayers of the disciples for the mountain to be cast into the sea? What does this mean?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Consider the kind of authority Jesus illustrated in the temple (21:12-17), the kind of authority he expressed in 21:18-22. Then read through the rest of the chapter and consider what is being said about authority. 
  • How should this passage affect the way you pray? What you are praying for? What you should be praying for? What you should not be asking for?
  • Does this passage indicate that we can ask for whatever we want, never doubt it, and expect that God will give us whatever we want? Why or why not? What is essential in knowing the answer to this question?
  • What kinds of things compare to this "mountain-like" request that we should be praying for with confidence? What would not fit?

Intentionally Act

  • What should you change about your prayer life as a result of meditating through this passage?
  • In what ways should your confidence in God be helped by this passage? How is your confidence in God currently being challenged?
  • How could this passage affect the way you approach worship on Sunday? How could this passage impact how you are praying for fellow believers? Non-Christians in  your life? Spend time in prayer now.
  • Pray for our body that it might be one body, one spirit, one mind this Lord's Day as we gather, sing and receive the Word.  Pray that we are not hearers only, but doers of the Word.
  • Pray for those leading this week to protect, heal and apply the Word: Dawson Bryant, music; Adam Naler, scripture reading and prayer; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Prepare yourself further by reviewing the lyrics and music so that you might understand and sing with zeal for the Lord, reflecting Christ's zeal for his house.   

Songs for Sunday




Morning and Evening Gathering - April 26, 2015