Carefully Think

  • How do you use these posts to prepare your hearts each Sunday? How would you prepare for something on a topic, rather than specific, consecutive verses?
  • What is God's glory? Why is it so important? How would you be able to find out?
  • What does the word glory mean?  Look to define how we use it today?  How is it used in Scripture?
  • Using a concordance look to see if any verses can be found that would answer the following questions: Why does God have glory?  Why does God get glory?  Who gives God glory? (If you don't have a concordnance try one online ( 
  • Look up the scriptures from the Concordance to validate them and read them in context to help gain a better understanding how Scripture references God's glory.

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Pray always that the Holy Spirit would illumine your mind to increase your knowledge of God before you step into the Word. 
  • Trust it is an awe filled experience to open the Words of God and gain understanding. 2 Peter 3:18
  • Think on why and how God has glory and receives glory?  How should that impact how we think of Him?  Does this impact the way we live?
  • Ask for clarity in thinking through your actions give (or do not) glory to God.  What should our response be if we are not?  Why?

Intentionally Act

  • In what ways this week can you seek to give God glory?  How can you study His magnificent Word this week to help you give God glory?
  • lf you are having trouble digging or understanding how to study the Scripture in relation to God's glory (or any question you might have), find someone who can help you. (Elders, Bible teachers, another Christian brother or sister who will study with you).
  • If you see someone you would like to study the Scriptures more deeply with, approach them and setup some time together.
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Todd Arnold, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Spend some time preparing for worship in the music below, but more importantly the lyrics. Pray that our church would come together as one to sing praise to the Lord, "teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God". (Col 3:16)

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - January 24, 2016