Carefully Think

  • Read through 1 Corinthians 15:1-19.
  • List what you learn about the work of the gospel from 15:1-2.
  • List what you learn is essential to the gospel in 15:3-5. How important is the written word of God to the integrity of the gospel?
  • Who did the risen Christ appear to? Why would they be important?
  • According to 15:12, what were some in Corinth saying about the resurrection? Why would they be inclined to say this?
  • List the effects if the resurrection of Jesus did not happen?
  • What good is Christianity in this life if the resurrection did not happen? Is it worth believing in Jesus, even if the resurrection did not occur?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Why is it important that Jesus appeared after his resurrection to so many? 
  • How can you tell that the resurrection of Jesus is making a difference in your present life?
  • According to this passage, what is the effect of the resurrection on the relevance of listening to God's word being preached?
  • How should the resurrection of Jesus help motivate victory over sin and confidence in Jesus?
  • In what ways can we typically live so that we suggest that the resurrection of Jesus is unimportant or essential to our gospel ministry?

Intentionally Act

  • Pray that God would enlighten your eyes to see areas of life that appear not to be impacted by the fact that Jesus is alive from the dead? What confession of sin is necessary? What affirmation of truth could you make in prayer now?
  • How could this passage assist you this week in your conversations with non-Christians about this season of the year?
  • How can you use this passage to prepare your heart to practically appreciate the work of the cross (as we celebrate it Friday evening) and Christ's triumph over the tomb?
  • Pray for our body that it might be one body, one spirit, one mind this Lord's Day as we gather, sing and receive the Word.  Pray that we are not hearers only, but doers of the Word.
  • Pray for those leading this week to protect, heal and apply the Word: Dawson Bryant, music; Adam Naler, scripture reading and prayer; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Prepare yourself further by reviewing the lyrics and music so that you might understand and sing with zeal for the Lord, reflecting Christ's zeal for his house.   

Songs for Sunday

Good Friday Evening

Resurrection Sunday Morning


Good Friday Evening and Resurrection Sunday Morning Gathering - April 3, 5, 2015