Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 6:9-15.
  • Recall last week's message; what are we praying for when we ask for God's name to be hallowed?
  • What does it mean to "hallow" God's name? Who is being asked to "hallow" God's name?
  • What is God's kingdom and when is it "coming?"
  • How is God's will done in heaven? What are we praying when we ask for it to be done on earth?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • In light of Sunday's opening message on prayer, how have you sought to incorporate it into your own prayer life?
  • When you come to church this Sunday, think carefully about each movement of our time together. What is being emphasized in each part? How coudl this help you as you pray throughout the service?
  • If God is sovereign, why do we pray for His will to be done?
  • Which phrase within this prayer needs more focused attention in your own prayer time?

Intentionally Act

  • How will you specifically incorporate the first three phrases of the prayer in Matthew 6:9-10 into your regular time of prayer? Who will you pray for in this way? About what issues will you incorporate these themes as you pray?
  • On at least three occasions this week, open your Bible to this passage and use it as a guide for your time of prayer. How does it help? What is most challenging in doing it?
  • Use this model prayer in 6:9-13 in praying for our worship service this Sunday.
  • Pray for those who do not know Christ and will be present in our service - that their hearts will be opened to God's greateness, their needs, and the work of Christ to save them.
  • Pray for those who will be leading the service this Sunday: Dawson Bryant, music; Mark Krystyniak, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching. Pray that they will edify the church body.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing, and listen to them through the weekend to prepare yourself to sing with the church.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - December 2, 2012