Carefully Think

  • Listen to the previous Sermon Audio on God's glory here. Why is God's glory so important? What is it?
  • Review the last Preparing for Sunday post on God's Glory here.  Look at specifically the fourth and fifth bullets under Carefully Think.  Dig back into verses you found last time or from the sermon on who gives God glory.
  • When we understand the importance of God's glory and who gives it to him, how should it impact the way we live? 
  • How do you know how to give God glory?  Do you give God glory in your daily lives?  If you are not giving God glory, what are you giving God?  What are you giving yourself?
  • How does the view of God's glory and how we should live impact your view of sin?  Your view of God's grace?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding in God's Word to prepare your hearts to receive his preached Word and submit to the authority of the Word.  How do you view God's Word?
  • Ask for illuminiation in ways you are giving glory to God.  Ask for conviction in examing how you live and do not give Glory to God and steal it for yourself.
  • Pray for awareness of God's glory to spread through our church in Biblically saturated ways.  Pray that when we as believers come together it is a primary focus in what we do and to see when we are robbing him of the glory and claiming it for ourselves.
  • Pray for someone to help or to receive help from in understanding the glory of God and how it impacts our lives as believers. 

Intentionally Act

  • In what ways this week can you seek to give God glory? How can you study His magnificent Word this week to help you give God glory?
  • lf you are having trouble digging or understanding how to study the Scripture in relation to God's glory (or any question you might have), find someone who can help you. (Elders, Bible teachers, another Christian brother or sister who will study with you).
  • If you see someone you would like to study the Scriptures more deeply with, approach them and setup some time together.
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Brett Harris, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Spend some time preparing for worship in the music below, but more importantly the lyrics. Pray that our church would come together as one to sing praise to the Lord, "teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God". (Col 3:16)

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - February 7, 2016